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噴筆使用注意事項: Direction: CAUTION:

1. 非必要時請勿拆除噴嘴(3號)
Do not remove the Nozzle (#3) unless absolutely necessary.

2. 每次噴筆使用後,請使用對應溶劑+耐溶劑尼龍筆帶掉多餘漆料或顏料,反覆清洗2-3次,並搭配(1A)噴帽漱洗1-2次,即可完成清洗工作
After each use, always empty any leftover paint and clean the airbrush.  Use a proper thinner and a thinner-resistant nylon brush to remove any excess paint, repeat about 3-4 times.  Back-flush the airbrush 1-2 times with the Needle Cap (#1A) attached.  When the airbrush is clean, thinner should come out clear when spray.

3. 如使用1號噴嘴,需要進行漱洗,可輕微旋開2號零件,不需要全部拆除,即可達到漱洗效果。
To back-flush with the Crown Needle Cap (#1) attached, simply loosen the Nozzle Cap (#2) first.  Do not detach the Nozzle Cap completely.

4. 如欲清洗噴針,請旋開17號尾桿,將16號固定螺絲旋開,小心退除噴針,將溶劑滴於衛生紙輕輕擦拭,小心裝回!
To clean the needle, unscrew both the Tail Cap (#17) and the Needle Stop Screw (#16).  Now the needle can be carefully removed.  Gently wipe the needle with a little thinner and a clean tissue.  Reinsert the needle back into the airbrush carefully afterwards! 

5. 噴針撞歪將會影響噴筆霧化方向與效果,需特別小心。
Exercise with extra caution.  Damaging the needle may affect atomization and spray quality.

6. 切勿將整把噴筆泡入溶劑或是工具清洗液體清洗。
Do not soak the whole airbrush into thinner or tools cleaner.

7. 若發生嚴重堵槍,拆除噴嘴時請逆時針旋開,清洗後裝回必須使用噴嘴密封膠才能完全密封
Shouldclogging happen, rotate the nozzle counter-clockwise and detach it for cleaning.  To ensure an air-tight seal, apply a nozzle sealant before reattaching the nozzle.

8. 噴筆耗材組合包,包含15號噴針以及3號噴嘴,3號噴嘴密封膠,2號噴嘴帽密封膠,以及20號板機潤滑油等配件,如需保用使用建議購買此組合包。
The MAD Airbrush Accessory Kit includes a Needle (#13), a Nozzle (#3), a sealant for the Nozzle (#3), a sealant for the Nozzle Cap (#2), and a lubricant for the Piston (#20).  Purchase this accessory kit for proper maintenance of the MAD airbrush.

9. 安裝噴嘴時,一定需要搭配噴嘴密封膠使用,噴嘴輕輕鎖到底後,請勿施力,靜放一小時待密封膠乾燥,即可正常使用。
A nozzle sealant is necessary when putting the nozzle back into the airbrush.  Secure the nozzle gently, DO NOT USE FORCE.  Nozzle sealant usually dry in about 1 hour.  Airbrush is operational afterwards.

10. 若噴嘴斷裂於噴身內部,可購買,取噴嘴螺絲治具,或是寄回工廠維修(需酌收運費+維修費)。
If the nozzle is broken and is stuck in the airbrush, use the Nozzle Thread Extractor (available for purchase separately) to remove the broken thread.  Alternatively, send the airbrush to the manufacturer for repair (service charge and shipping fee apply).

11. 噴筆清洗後,仍會有極少的顏料殘留於漆杯或是噴針上,如固化後仍有機率發生噴嘴漆料堆積,洗筆後在噴杯內加少許溶劑後,蓋上噴杯蓋,放置12小時後將殘餘溶劑噴除,可預防堵槍現象,進而達到不需拆除噴嘴的效果。 
Even after regulargeneral cleanings, a very small traces of paint may still left in the cup or on the needle.  This may result in dried paints building up inside the nozzle.  Every time after cleaning, leave a little bit clean thinner in the airbrush and put the cup’s lid on.  After 12 hours, spray and empty all the thinner from the cup.  This will effectively minimize the chance of the nozzle clogging, and therefore minimize the need to remove the nozzle for cleaning.

備註: Notes:

1. 噴筆0.2x/0.3/0.5代表噴嘴口徑,口徑愈小的筆,愈適合拿來精緻細噴,口徑愈大的噴筆,適合大面積平噴,選擇對的口徑噴筆,將可以大量降低噴筆拆除保養機率,只需要平常清洗乾淨即可。
0.2x/0.3/0.5 describes the size of the airbrush nozzle.  Smaller nozzles are suitable for finer details.  Larger nozzles are suitable for a wider spray application.  Using the right airbrush reduces the need to dissemble the airbrush for thorough cleanings; a general cleaning will be sufficient.

2. 0.2x用途: 細噴光影,細線,精緻塗裝。
0.2x is suitable for: highlights and shadings, small lines, and fine details.

3. 0.3用途: 一般通用,平噴,薄噴 最適合剛接觸模型的玩家。
0.3 is suitable for: general use, even coats, and mist layers.  Perfect for beginners.

4. 0.5用途: 大面積平噴,噴金屬漆(漆料粒子顆粒較大),金油/保護漆(乾燥後硬度較硬),底漆(黏性較高)。
0.5 is suitable for: large surface area, metallic paints (or paints with larger pigments), varnishes/protective coatings (harder when cured), primers (higher adhesion strength)

5. 不同性質的漆料或顏料,若是清洗不乾淨,有機會在噴嘴固化造成堵塞,切記每次使用後,必須確實清洗乾淨。
When using the same airbrush for different types of paints, it is important to properly clean the airbrush after each use.  Paint residue left in the nozzle may turn into gunk or dried paints,  clogging the airbrush as a result.

6. 漆料濃度若比例不當將會影響噴塗,若發生噴塗不順暢請優先檢查顏料稀釋比例,也可使用清水或是純溶劑噴塗測試。
Paints not reduced to a proper consistency will affect the spray pattern.  If the airbrush does not spray smoothly, take a look at the thinning ratio first.  Testing with plain water or thinner is another way to help pin-point where the problem is.

7. 噴漆氣壓小時,顏料或漆料較容易固化於前端,尤其是壓克力顏料,如發生輕微卡槍,請進行簡易清洗動作後再續噴。
When airbrushing at lower psi, especially with acrylic paints, it is easier for dried paints to buildup at the tip of the needle.   Should tip-dry happen, simply do a quick cleanup before continuing.






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